March 2024
How will humans and robots work together on the farms of the future?
Our colleagues Sara Kaszuba and Sandeep Reddy Sabbella from UNIROMA1 "La Sapienza", participated in the interview for the article "How will humans and robots work together on the farms of the future?"
The full article in "Farming Future Foods " could be seen here:
Field experiments for pruning in Aprilia, Italy
October 2023

Exhibition area at the Maker Faire event in Rome to advertise CANOPIES project. Our partners UNIROMA3, UNIROMA1 and UNICLAM, set up a large exhibition area aimed at reproducing a real table-grape vineyard and had three CANOPIES robots, one farming and two logistic ones. During the 3-day exhibition, several demos had been performed, demonstrating the manipulation capabilities of the robot for grape harvesting, grape cluster recognition and quality estimation capabilities, mobile base motion capabilities and coordinated maneuvering for box-exchange, as well as the virtual reality.
Press articles and interviews in several channels gave visibility to the activity:
International News publisher:- Interesting Engineering (EN):
National News agency: - Adnkronos (IT):
National Press:- Il sole 24 ore (IT), sharing Adnkronos news:
National/Regional TV channels:
- Rai 3 Regional News (IT, 7:37-8:30):
- Rai 1 National News (IT):
- Teleambiente Regional Channel (IT, 17:45-22:00):
- EQU Tv National Channel (IT, 16:17-23:12):
September 2023
Canopies project developed a new campaign in Aprilia, Italy, performing a range of operations, including harvesting, advanced field mapping, grape quality classification, safety-related human-robot interaction tasks, human motion prediction, and human intention recognition.
March 2023
Make a look to the new videos of "Dual arm harvesting" and "Safe dual arm harvesting" done in the experimental campaign in Aprilia, Italy!!
February 17th, 2023
Our Colleagues from UNICLAM presented "Canopies project" in LAI-Robotics in ocassion of OpenDays 2023!
November 2022. Experiments at IRI-UPC laboratories.
Robot pruning and harvesting with multiple human collaboration
Robot pruning and harvesting with human collaboration
Autonomous harvesting and robot pruning with human collaboration
Robot pruning with human collaboration
Robot pruning with human collaboration 2
Robot harvesting with human collaboration
July 2022
Field performance in Aprilia, Italy. July 18-20, 2022
Checking and taking real data at the field of Aprilia, Italy. July 18-20, 2022
Training the robot. Aprilia, Italy. July 18-20, 2022
April 2022
Two more steps in Canopies Project by UPC-IRI Team @CanopiesProject
Grape and peduncle detection.
Human body motion in grape harvesting.
March 2022
Depth Camera sensor development at PaleBlue.
Allowing robots to be placed in a simulated environment that they can sense. A part of @CanopiesProject building autonomous robots for precision farming.#depthcamera #precisionargiculture #robot #lidar #machinevision #vr #realsense
February 2022
Virtual Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) sensor development at PaleBlue.
Allows placing robots into a virtual reality environment and training up their spatial sensors. A part of @CanopiesProject building autonomous robots for precision farming.#precisionargiculture #robot
October 2021
"The robot is a tool that will help the farmer to perform tasks that are not easy to automate"
Alberto Sanfeliu in Interempresas Horticultura Magazine, Spain.
September 2021
- 3D Simulation by PaleBlue, Norway
- First CANOPIES platform navigation by DTI, Denmark.
- Collecting data by UPC in Corsira, Italy