Here is the history of CANOPIES progress
Date | Description |
December 2024 |
Public release of the grape bunch and peduncle image dataset in Zenodo |
During RP3, the Consortium conducted several integration weeks to refine and test the integrated system in preparation for its final demonstration. These collaborative efforts led to the successful completion of the demonstration during the week of 30/09/2024 to 02/10/2024 in Corsira, Aprilia, Italy. Briefly, the final demonstration is composed of the following phases:
All phases were successfully validated in the field. |
September 2024 |
Field of experimentation exchange box, grape bunch grasping in Corsira, Aprilia, Italy |
July 2024 |
Field of experimentation for robotic grape bunch quality detection and grasping in Corsira, Aprilia, Italy |
10/06/2024 |
Paleblue presents a new release of the Canopies Simulator, version 4.0. |
16/04/2024 |
Paleblue presents a new release of the Canopies Simulator, version 3.4 |
19/03/2024 |
Paleblue presents a new release of the Canopies Simulator, version 3.3 |
March 2024 |
CANOPIES Field experimentation for robotic pruning in Aprilia, Italy |
22-23/10/2023 |
Exhibition at Maker Faire event in Rome, Italy. During the 3-day exhibition several demos were performed, demonstrating the manipulation capabilities of the robot for grape harvesting, grape cluster recognition and quality estimation capabilities, mobile base motion capabilities and coordinated manoeuvring for box-exchange, as well as the virtual reality. Moreover, several press releases appeared in the context of the Maker Faire Event in national News Agency Adnkronos (IT) and National Press"Il sole 24 ore" (IT) |
28/09/2023 |
Expanding possibilities in precise manipulation: introducing the new TIAgo SEA Arm. |
11-15/09/2023 |
Field experimentation in Aprilia, Italy, with the participation of UPC, UNIROMA1, UNIROMA3, UNICLAM, PAL Robotics and AGRIMESSINA. During this field experimentation, a new version of the Canopies bi-manipulator robot was tested. Moreover, new versions of algorithms of peduncles and grapes detection and localization, 3D human skeleton prediction, human intention prediction and grape mapping with quality grape estimation methods, were tested. |
29/05/2023-02/06/2023 | PAL Robotics launched the newly robot TIAgo Pro Edition, developed building on the CANOPIES project prototype, with SEA arms and latest generation premium software by using human-centric approach |
19/05/2023 |
The European Comission recognizes PaleBlue Virtual Reality Platform, developed as a part of CANOPIES project and that has been named a significant EU innovation. |
17/05/2023 |
A new release of Canopies VR simulator - v3. This is a major release to better support for the different setups used by the partners. |
03/2023 | ERF 2023. Odense, Denmark. A live CANOPIES demo was performed at the booth from PAL Robotics and DTI. |
24/03/2023 |
A new release of the Canopies Simulator, version 2.5. It is a minor release with two bug fixes: movement of motion bases, and spawn human orientation. |
09/02/2023 |
A new version of the Canopies Simulator have been shared by Paleblue: Version 2.4. It features support for static humans, and also an initial implementation of BEM mechanism. |
13/02/2023 |
UPC, PAL and UNICLAM shared one week of field experimentation for Robotic pruning in Aprilia, Italy. Our teams from UPC, PAL and UNICLAM developed a field experimentation during one week to test robotic pruning of table grape in Aprilia, Italy, performed with Tiago robot by Pal Robotics. |
03/01/2023 20/12/2022 |
Two new versions of the Canopies Simulator have been shared by Paleblue: Version 2.2. This is a release containing a number of bug fixes, along with functionality for teleporting, gripper, and timestamping of camera images. Version 2.3. It features multiplayer VR human functionality, with voice communication between humans and robots. |
07/11/2022 |
A new release of the Canopies Simulator - v2.0 - have been developed by Paleblue. This is a major release that finally supports networking, meaning having multiple robots and multiple humans in the same situation. |
7-9/10/2022 |
Maker Faire event, Rome, Italy. Organization of an exhibition area with two robots, demonstrating the manipulation capabilities of the robot for grape harvesting, human-robot interaction capabilities using voice commands and gestures, grape cluster recognition and quality estimation capabilities, mobile base motion capabilities as well as the virtual reality. Moreover a press released was launched "Arrivederci Maker, ifl futuro e sostenibile" on the national newspaper "Il Messagero" |
09/2022 |
UPC published a press article about CANOPIES project: "Robots that help to do harvesting and pruning in table grape" |
22-23/09/2022 |
1st Review Meeting of Canopies Project September 2022 On September 22 and 23, the 1st Review Meeting of the Canopies project took place. A good part of our partners attended in person the meeting at UNIROMA3 University. |
05/09/2022 09/09/2022 |
Integration weeks and Field validation at Aprilia, Italy. UPC, UNIROMA1, UNIROMA3, UNICLAM, PaleBlue, PAL Robotics, KTH and AGRIMESSINA participated in the experiments. Moreover |
01/09/2022 |
Press release: TIAgo++ starts to work in an Italian vineyard. |
18/07/2022 |
During three days - 18 to 20 of July - the CANOPIES Teams are in the field of Aprilia, Italy for the first performance of the robot and checking and taking real data of the grape. UPC, UNIROMA1, PAL Robotics, UNIROMA3 and AGRIMESSINA participated. |
06/2022 |
ERF 2022. Rotterdam, Netherlands. Pal Robotics introduced the new Tiago ++ robot to ERF participants focusing on the challenges of Human-Robot interaction and Human-Robot Collaboration in crop farming. Moreover several press releases were launched: |
25/05/2022 |
The new release of the CANOPIES Simulator v1.8. |
30/12/2021 |
Document: Guidelines for the integration of System Components (Deliverable 3.4). DTI This report describes the composition of a Wiki page containing the guidelines for robot integration and to ensure the compability of software/hardware components with related documentation. |
14/09/2021 17/09/2021 |
Integration weeks and Field validation. Collecting Data in Corsira, Italy. |
14/09/2021 |
Document: Simulated Farming Environment and Basic Robotics Components. (Deliverable 3.4). PaleBlue PaleBlue established the first deliverable in the Canopies EU project, dedicated to creation of the simulated 3D environment that would later be used in training up autonomous robots. A virtual vineyard with the grapes and vines is created, and set up in different light conditions. A mobile robot base is implemented, along with a number of sensors such as LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). This builds the necessary foundation for prototyping and verification of robot interactions in a virtual 3D environment. |
30/06/2021 |
Document: Specifications and KPIs for the two robot prototypes (D2.2). DTI This deliverable describes all the specifications and KPIs that will be defined during the development of the robotic prototypes. Following the development of the robotic prototypes the deliverable will be periodically updated during the project. |
30/04/2021 |
Document: Requirements, Specifications and Benchmarks for validating the project outcomes (D2.1). Agrimessina |
31/03/2021 |
Document: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (2021-2024) for the CANOPIES project (D10.3). UPC and all partners. |
01/03/2021 |
The website is on-line (D10.1). UPC and UNIROMA3 |
02/2021 |
Robots to revolutionize thousand-year-old agriculture tradition. DTI, DK. |
11/02/2021 12/02/2021 |
Kick-off meeting |
01/01/2021 |
Official start of the project CANOPIES |