Scientific publications
(92) Dalmasso, M., Garcia-Ruiz, F., Ciarfuglia, T.A., Saraceni, L., Motoi, I.M., Gil, E., Sanfeliu, A. “Human-robot harvesting plan negotiation: perception, grape mapping and shared planning”. 7th Iberian ROBOT Conference 2024, November 6-8, 2024, Madrid, Spain, pp. 1-8.
(91) Dominguez-Vidal, J.E. and A. Sanfeliu, "When the inference meets the explicitness or why multimodality can make us forget about the perfect predictor", Social Robotics journal. Second revision 2024.
(90) Reichlin, A., Tegnér, G., Vasco, M., Yin, H., Björkman, M., Kragic, D. “Reducing Variance in Meta-Learning via Laplace Approximation for Regression Tasks”, Accepted to Trans. on Machine Learning Research, October 2024.
(89) Gil, O. and Sanfeliu, A. “Human-robot collaborative minimum time search through sub-priors in ant colony optimization”. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, October 2024, to appear.
(88) Palmieri, J., Di Lillo, P., Sanfeliu, A., Marino, A. “Perception-Driven Shared Control Architecture for Agricultural Robots Performing Harvesting Tasks”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024), October 14 – 18, Abu Dhabi, 2024.
(87) J. Laplaza, J.J. Oliver, A. Sanfeliu and A. Garrell Zulueta. Body gestures recognition for social human-robot interaction, 7th Iberian Robotics Conference, 2024, Madrid, Spain.
(86) Sewlia, M., Verginis, C.K. and Dimarogonas, D.V. “Leader-Follower Cooperative Manipulation Under Spatio-Temporal Constraints”, to appear at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024) October 2024.
(85) Saraceni, L., Motoi, I.M., Nardi, D. and Ciarfuglia, T.A. "Self-Supervised Data Generation for Precision Agriculture: Blending Simulated Environments with Real Imagery," 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Bari, Italy, 2024, pp. 71-77, doi: 10.1109/CASE59546.2024.10711594
(84) Deka, S.A., Phodapol, S., Gimenez, A.M., Fernandez-Ayala, V.N., Wong, R., Yu, P., Tan, X and Dimarogonas, D.V. “Enhancing Precision Agriculture Through Human-in-the-Loop Planning and Control,” 2024 International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Bari, Italy. September 2024.
(83) Miele, A., Lippi, M., Gasparri, A. “A Framework Based on Control Barrier Functions for Time-Varying Connectivity Maintenance”, IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). August 2024
(82) Domínguez J.E. and Sanfeliu, A. “Anticipation and proactivity. Unraveling both concepts in human-robot interaction through a handover example”, 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, June 2024, Pasadena, California, USA, pp. 957-962, IEEE.
(81) Lippi, M., Welle, M.C., Moletta, M., Marino, A., Gasparri, A., Kragic, D. “Visual Action Planning with Multiple Heterogeneous Agents”, 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), August 26-30, Pasadena, California, USA, 2024
(80) Reddy Sabbella, S., Serrarens, P., Leotta, F. and Nardi, D. "Generating and Evaluating Synthetic Data in Virtual Reality Simulation Environments for Pose Estimation," 2024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Pasadena, CA, USA, 2024, pp. 2319-2326, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN60168.2024.10731179.
(79) Lippi, M., Welle, M.C., Wozniak, M.K., Gasparri, A., Kragic, D. “Low-Cost Teleoperation with Haptic Feedback through Vision-based Tactile Sensors for Rigid and Soft Object Manipulation”, IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) August 2024
(78) Gallou, J., Lippi, M., Galle, M., Marino, A., Gasparri, A. “Modeling and Control of the Vitirover Robot for Weed Management in Precision Agriculture”, 10th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) July 2024
(77) Palmieri, J., Di Lillo, P., Chiaverini, S., Marino, A. “A Simple and Effective Human-Robot Shared Control Approach for Agricultural Robots Employed in Table-Grape Vineyards”, IEEE 32nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED),646-651, June 2024.
(76) Furchì, A., Franceschelli, M., Gasparri, A. “A MILP Scheduling Problem for Multi-Robot Logistics Systems in a Precision Farming Application and a Polynomial Time Optimal Algorithm”, International conference IEEE 32nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) June 2024
(75) Domínguez J.E. and Sanfeliu, A. “Exploring transformers and visual transformers for force prediction in human-robot collaborative transportation tasks”, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2024, Yokohama (Japan), pp. 3191-3197.
(74) Saraceni, L., Motoi, I.M., Nardi, D. and Ciarfuglia, T.A. "AgriSORT: A Simple Online Real-time Tracking-by-Detection framework for robotics in precision agriculture," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Yokohama, Japan, 2024, pp. 2675-2682, doi: 10.1109/ICRA57147.2024.10610231.
(73) Zhang, Y., Fernandez-Ayala, V.N. and Dimarogonas, D.V. "Multi-robot Human-in-the-loop Control under Spatiotemporal Specifications", 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Yokohama, Japan, May 2024.
(72) Peron, D., Fernandez-Ayala, V.N., Vlahakis E.E. and Dimarogonas, D.V. “Efficient Coordination and Synchronization of Multi-Robot Systems Under Recurring Linear Temporal Logic,” 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Atlanta, US. Submitted.
(71) Lippi, M., Welle, M.C., Gasparri, A., Kragic, D. “Ensemble Latent Space Roadmap for Improved Robustness in Visual Action Planning,” International conference IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2024.
(70) Furchì, A., Lippi, M., Marino, A., Gasparri, A. “A distributed protocol for finite-time supremum or infimum dynamic consensus: The directed graph case”, Systems & Control Letters 186, April 2024.
(69) Domínguez, J.E. and Sanfeliu, A. “Voice Command Recognition for Explicit Intent Elicitation in Collaborative Object Transportation Tasks: a ROS-based Implementation”, 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2024, Boulder, CO, USA, pp. 412–416., March 2024.
(68) Dalmasso, M., Sanchez-Anguix, V., Garrell Zulueta, A., Jiménez, P. and Sanfeliu, A. “Exploring Preferences in Human-Robot Navigation Plan Proposal Representation”, 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, March 2024, Boulder, CO, USA, pp. 369-373.
(67) Domínguez, J.E., Rodríguez, N.A. and Sanfeliu, A. “Perception–intention–action cycle in human–robot collaborative tasks: The collaborative lightweight object transportation use-case”. International Journal of Social Robotics, March 2024, to appear.
(66) Singamaneni, P.T., Bachiller, P., Manso, L.J., Garrell Zulueta, A., Sanfeliu, A., Spalanzani, A. and Alami, R. “A survey on socially aware robot navigation: taxonomy and future challenges”. The International Journal of Robotics Research, February 2024, to appear.
(65) Palmieri, J., Di Lillo, P., Lippi, M., Chiaverini, S., Marino, A. “A Control Architecture for Safe Trajectory Generation in Human–Robot Collaborative Settings”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, January 2024.
(64) Kaheni, M., Lippi, M., Gasparri, A., Franceschelli, M. “Selective Trimmed Average: A Resilient Federated Learning Algorithm with Deterministic Guarantees on the Optimality Approximation” Journal IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. January 2024.
(63) Tan, X. and Dimarogonas, D.V. “On the Undesired Equilibria Induced by Control Barrier Function Based Quadratic Programs”, Automatica, 2023.
(62) Welle, M.C., Ingelhag, N., Lippi, M., Wozniak, M.K., Gasparri, A., Kragic, D. "Quest2ROS: An App to Facilitate Teleoperating Robots",
(61) Motoi, I. M., Saraceni, L., Nardi, D., & Ciarfuglia, T. A. “Evaluating the Efficacy of Cut-and-Paste Data Augmentation in Semantic Segmentation for Satellite Imagery”. arXiv e-prints, arXiv-2024.
(60) Kaszuba, S., Sabbella, S. R., Leotta, F., Serrarens, P., & Nardi, D. “Testing Human-Robot Interaction in Virtual Reality: Experience from a Study on Speech Act Classification”. arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.04534.
(59) Antonio Furchì, Martina Lippi, Alessandro Marino, Andrea Gasparri, Distributed Finite-Time Supremum/Infimum Dynamic Consensus under Directed Network Topology, 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) December 13-15, 2023
(58) Lippi, Martina; Gallou, Jorand; Palmieri, Jozsef; Gasparri, Andrea; Marino, Alessandro; Human-Multi-Robot Task Allocation in Agricultural Settings: A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach; 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), August 28-31, 2023, IEEE
(57) G. Golluccio, P. Di Lillo, A. Marino and G. Antonelli, When Local Optimization is Bad: Learning What to (Not) Maximize in the Null-Space for Redundant Robot Control, 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 506-511, IEEE
56) Lippi, Martina; Gallou, Jorand; Gasparri, Andrea; Marino, Alessandro; An Optimal Allocation and Scheduling Method in Human-Multi-Robot Precision Agriculture Settings, 2023 31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED),541-546,2023, IEEE
(55) G. Coll-Ribes, I. J. Torres-Rodriguez, Antoni Grau, Edmundo Guerra, Alberto Sanfeliu (2023). Accurate detection and depth estimation of table grapes and peduncles for robot harvesting, combining monocular depth estimation and CNN methods. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture. Vol. 215, December 2023, 108362.
(54) J. Laplaza, R. Romero, A. Sanfeliu and A. Garrell Zulueta (2023). Body gesture recognition to control a social mobile robot, 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2023, Stockholm, in Companion of the HRI'23, pp. 456-460.
(53) J. Laplaza, F. Moreno-Noguer, A. Sanfeliu (2022). Context Attention: Human Motion Prediction Using Context Information and Deep Learning Attention Models. 5th Iberian Robotics Conference, 2022, Zaragoza (1) 2022, pp.102-112
(52) J.E. Dominguez, A. Sanfeliu (2023). Inference VS. Explicitness. Do We Really Need the Perfect Predictor? The Human-Robot Collaborative Object Transportation Case. 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN23), 2023, Korea.
(51) J.E.Dominguez-Vidal, A. Sanfeliu (2023). Improving Human-Robot Interaction Effectiveness in Human-Robot Collaborative Object Transportation using Force Prediction. IROS 2023, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1-5 October, Detroit, USA.
(50) O. Gil and A. Sanfeliu (2023). Human motion trajectory prediction using the Social Force Model for real-time and low computational cost applications, 6th Iberian ROBOT Conference 2023, Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 1-12
(49) E. Repiso, A. Garrell Zulueta and A. Sanfeliu (2023). Real-life experiment metrics for evaluating human-robot collaborative navigation tasks, 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2023, Busan, Korea, pp. 660-667.
(48) Sandeep Reddy Sabbella, Sara Kaszuba, Francesco Leotta, Daniele Nardi, "Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction through Virtual Characters", in 15th International Conference on Social Robots (ICSR 2023), Doha, Qatar.
(47) Sara Kaszuba, Julien Caposiena, Sandeep Reddy Sabbella, Francesco Leotta, Daniele Nardi, "Empowering Collaboration: A Pipeline for Human-Robot Spoken Interaction in Collaborative Scenarios", in 15th International Conference on Social Robots (ICSR 2023), Doha, Qatar.
(46) Sandeep Reddy Sabbella, Sara Kaszuba, Francesco Leotta, Daniele Nardi, "Virtual Reality Applications for Enhancing Human-Robot Interaction: A Gesture Recognition Perspective", in ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (ACM-IVA 2023), Würzburg, Germany.
(45) Frank Foerster, Marta Romeo, Patrick Holthaus, Luke Wood, Christian Dondrup, Fischer Joel E., Liza Farhana Ferdousi, Sara Kaszuba, Julian Hough, Birthe Nesset, Hernández García Daniel, Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos, Jennifer Williams, Özkan Elif Ecem, Pepita Barnard, Gustavo Berumen, Dominic Price, Sue Cobb, Martina Wiltschko, Lucien Tisserand, Martin Porcheron, Manuel Giuliani, Gabriel Skantze, Patrick Healey, Ioannis Papaioannou, Dimitra Gkatzia, Saul Albert and Guanyu Huang, "Working with Troubles and Failures in Conversation between Humans and Robots: Workshop Report", in Frontiers in Robotics and AI. DOI:10.3389/frobt.2023.1202306
(44) Lippi, M., Lillo, P.D and Marino, A., "A Task Allocation Framework for Human Multi-Robot Collaborative Settings", 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),7614-7620,2023,
(43) Reichlin, A., Marchetti, G. L., Yin, H., Varava, A., & Kragic, D., "Learning Geometric Representations of Objects via Interaction", Submitted to ECML 2023.
(42) Reichlin, A., Marchetti, G. L., Yin, H., Ghadirzadeh, A., & Kragic, D., "Back to the manifold: Recovering from out-of-distribution states", IEEE/RSJ IROS, 2022.
(41) Yu, P., Fedeli, G. and Dimarogonas, D.V., "Reactive and human-in-the-loop planning and control of multi-robot systems under LTL specifications in dynamic environments", submitted to CoDiT 2023.
(40) Fernandez-Ayala, V.N., Tan, T. and Dimarogonas, D.V., “Distributed barrier function-enabled human-in-the-loop control for multi-robot systems”, to be presented at ICRA 2023, London.
(39) Shankar A. Deka, Umesh Vaidya, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, "Navigation in Time-Varying Densities: An Operator Theoretic Approach", to be presented at ECC 2023.
(38) Dominguez-Vidal, J.E., Rodriguez, N. and Sanfeliu, A., (2023) “Perception-Intention-Action Cycle as a Human Acceptable Way for Improving Human-Robot Collaborative Tasks” , HRI’23 Companion, March 13-16, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden. DOI: 10.1109/MPRV.2022.3208321
(37) Sara Kaszuba, Sandeep Reddy Sabbella, Francesco Leotta, and Daniele Nardi. "Speech Act Classification in collaborative robotics" Submitted to IEEE RO-MAN 2023. Busan, South Korea.
(36) Sandeep Reddy Sabbella, Sara Kaszuba, Francesco Leotta, Pascal Serrarens, and Daniele Nardi. "Evaluating Gesture Recognition in Virtual Reality" in Workshop on YOUR study design! Participatory critique and refinement of participants' studies (WYSD 2023) at HRI 2023.
(35) Kaszuba, S., Reddy S., Leotta, F., Serrarens, P. and Nardi, D. "Testing Human-Robot Interaction in Virtual Reality: Experience from a Study on Speech Act Classification" 6th International Workshop on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed-Reality for Human-Robot Interactions, VAM-HRI 2023. Stockholm, Sweden.
(34) Laplaza, J., Garrell, A., Moreno-Noguer, F. and Sanfeliu, A. “Context and intention for 3D human motion prediction: Experimentation and user study in handover tasks”, 31st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2022, Napoli, Italy, pp. 630-635.
(33) Laplaza, J., Rodriguez, N.A., Domínguez, J.E., Herrero, F., Hernández, S., López, A., Sanfeliu, A., and Garrell, A. “IVO Robot: A new social robot for Human-Robot collaboration”, 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2022, Sapporo, Japan, pp. 860–864.
(32) Castro, O., Repiso, E., Garrell, A. and Sanfeliu, A. “Classification of humans social relations within urban areas”, 5th Iberian Robotics Conference, 2022, Zaragoza, Spain, Vol 590 of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, pp. 27-39.
(31) Ciarfuglia, T. A., Motoi, I. M., Saraceni, L., Fawakherji, M., Sanfeliu, A., & Nardi, D. (2023). Weakly and semi-supervised detection, segmentation and tracking of table grapes with limited and noisy data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 205, 107624.
(30) Lippi, M. P. Welle, MC. Poklukar,, P. Marino, A. Kragic, D., “Augment-Connect-Explore: a Paradigm for Visual Action Planning with Data Scarcity”, at the international conference IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 754-761,2022
(29) M. Lippi, P. Poklukar, M. C. Welle, A. Varava, H. Yin, A. Marino, D. Kragic: Enabling Visual Action Planning for Object Manipulation Through Latent Space Roadmap, July 2022. International journal IEEE Transactions on Robotics.39,1,57-75,DOI: ISSN: 1552-3098. (
(28) Gillini G., Di Lillo P., Arrichiello F., Di Vito D., Marino M., Antonelli G., Chiaverini S. "A dual-arm mobile robot system performing assistive tasks operated via p300-based brain computer interfaceThe International Journal of Robotics Research and Application, 49,1,11-20,2022, Emerald Publishing Limited.
(27) Golluccio G., Di Lillo P., Di Vito D., Marino A., Antonelli G "Objects Relocation in Clutter with Robot Manipulators via Tree-based Q-Learning Algorithm: Analysis and Experiments", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 106,2,44,2022, Springer Netherlands Dordrecht
(26) M. Saboia Da Silva, L. Clark, V. Thangavelu, J. Edlund, K. Otsu, G.J. Correa, V.S. Varadharajan, A. Santamaria-Navarro, T. Touma, A. Bouman, H. Melikyan, T. Pailevanian, S. Kim, A. Archanian, T.S. Vaquero, G. Beltrame, N. Napp, G. Pessin and A. Agha-mohammadi. ACHORD: Communication-aware multi-robot coordination with intermittent connectivity. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(4):2022
(25) M. Peral, A. Sanfeliu and A. Garrell Zulueta. Efficient hand gesture recognition for human-robot interaction. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(4): 10272-10279, 2022.
(24) W.O. Chamorro, J. Solà and J. Andrade-Cetto. Event-based line SLAM in real-time. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(3): 23) W.O. Chamorro, J. Solà and J. Andrade-Cetto. Event-based line SLAM in real-time. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(3): 8146-8153, 2022.
(23) Lippi, M., Furchì, A., Marino, A., and Gasparri, A. “Finite-Time Distributed Protocol for Tracking the Upper (Lower) Bound For a Set of Time-Varying Reference Signals”, IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2022. 908-913. DOI: 10.1109/med54222.2022.9837239.
(22) Z. Z. S. Dashti; G. Oliva; C. Seatzu; A.M. Lippi, A. Furchì, A. Marino, A. Gasparri. An Adaptive Distributed Protocol for Finite-time Infimum or Supremum Dynamic Consensus. IEEE Control Systems Letters.IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6, 3481-3486. 2022. (
(21) T. A. Ciarfuglia, I. M. Motoi, L. Saraceni, D. Nardi. Pseudo-Label Generation for Agricultural Robotics Applications. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops.
(20) P. D. Lillo, D. D. Vito and G. Antonelli. Merging Global and Local Planners: Real-Time Replanning Algorithm of Redundant Robots Within a Task-Priority Framework. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2022. vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 1180-1193, April 2023, IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/tase.2022.3178266. ISSN: 1545-5955 (
(19) C. R. de Cos and D.V. Dimarogonas. Adaptive Cooperative Control for Human-Robot Load Manipulation. RA-L 2022. . IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Volume: 7, Issue: 2. DOI: 10.1109/lra.2022.3158435. ISSN: 1949-3045 (
(18) M. Lippi, A. Furchì, A. Marino and A. Gasparri. An Adaptive Distributed Protocol for Finite-Time Infimum or Supremum Dynamic Consensus. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7, 401-406,2022, IEEE DOI: 10.1109/lcsys.2022.3188941. ISSN: 2475-1456. (
(17) M. Lippi, A. Furchì, A. Marino, A. Gasparri. Finite-Time Distributed Protocol for Tracking the Upper
(Lower) Bound for a Set of Time-Varying Reference Signals. International conference IEEE
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation.
(16) X. Tan, and D. V. Dimarogonas. On the Undesired Equilibria Induced by Control Barrier Function Based Quadratic Programs. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021. (
(15) X. Tan, W. S. Cortez and D. V. Dimarogonas. High-order barrier functions: Robustness, safety and performance-critical control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/tac.2021.3089639. ISSN: 0018-9286. (
(14) R. Baran, X. Tan, P. Varnai, P. Yu, S. Ahlberg, M. Guo, W. S. Cortez and Dimos V. Dimarogonas. A ROS Package for Human-In-the-Loop Planning and Control under Linear Temporal Logic Tasks. IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 2021, pp. 2182-2187. DOI: 10.1109/case49439.2021.9551648. ISBN: 2161-8089. (
(13) W. S. Cortez, X. Tan and D.s V. Dimarogonas. A Robust, Multiple Control Barrier Function Framework for Input Constrained Systems. IEEE Control Systems Letters. Volume 6 (2021): 1742-1747. DOI: 10.1109/lcsys.2021.3133418 . ISSN: 2475-1456 (
(12) X. Tan and D. V. Dimarogonas. Distributed Implementation of Control Barrier Functions for Multi-agent Systems. IEEE Control Systems Letters 6 (2021): 1879-1884. Vol.6. DOI: 10.1109/lcsys.2021.3133802. ISSN: 2475-1456 (
(11) F. Mehdifar, C. P. Bechlioulis, J. M. Hendrickx and D. V. Dimarogonas. 2-D Directed Formation Control Based on Bipolar Coordinates. arXiv:2108.00916 (2021). (
(10) P. Yu and D.V. Dimarogonas. Distributed motion coordination for multi-robot systems under LTL specifications. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 2021. Vol. 38, no 2 DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2021.3088764. ISSN: 1552-3098. (
(9) P. Yu and D.V. Dimarogonas. Time-constrained leader-follower multi-agent task scheduling and control synthesis. IEEE Transactions on Control of Networked Systems 2021. Vol.9. no1. DOI: 10.1109/TCNS.2021.3106452. ISSN: 2325-5870 (
(8) O. Gil, A. Garrell Zulueta and A. Sanfeliu. Social robot navigation tasks: Combining machine learning techniques and Social Force Model. Sensors, 21(7087), 2021. DOI: 10.3390/s21217087. ISSN: 1424-8220 (
(7) R. Gieselmann, A. Longhini, A. Reichlin, D. Kragic, F. T. Pokorny DLO@Scale: A Large-scale Meta Dataset for Learning Non-rigid Object Pushing Dynamics, Thirty-fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. NeurIPS 2021. (
(6) S. Kaszuba, F. Leotta, D. Nardi. A Preliminary Study on Virtual Reality Tools in Human-Robot Interaction. International conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual reality and Computer graphics 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87595-4_7 . ISBN: 978-3-030-87594-7. (
(5) M. Lippi, G. Gillini, A. Marino, F. Arrichiello. A Data-Driven Approach for Contact Detection, Classification and Reaction in Physical Human-Robot Collaboration. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2021(ICRA), pp. 3597-3603. DOI: 10.1109/icra48506.2021.9561827. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9078-5 (
(4) M. Lippi, A. Marino. A Control Barrier Function Approach to Human-multi-robot Safe Interaction. 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2021 (MED), pp. 604-609. DOI: 10.1109/med51440.2021.9480187 . ISBN: 978-1-6654-4660-0 . (
(3) M. Lippi, A. Marino. A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Formulation for Human-Multi-Robot Task Allocation, 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication 2021 (ROMAN). DOI: 10.1109/ro-man50785.2021.9515362. ISBN: 978-1-7281-9078-5. (
(2) M. Lippi, A. Marino. Human Multi-Robot Physical Interaction: A Distributed Framework. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 2021 v 101, 35. DOI: 10.1007/s10846-020-01277-y. ISSN: 0921-0296. (
(1) J. Laplaza, A. Pumarola, F. Moreno-Noguer and A. Sanfeliu. Attention deep learning based model for predicting the 3D Human Body Pose using the Robot Human Handover Phases. 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ro-man50785.2021.9515402. (