Project ID: 10106906

Duration: 4 years | 2021-01-01 to 2024-12-31

Topic: “Robotics in Application Areas and Coordination & Support” (ICT-46-2020)

Budget: 6.904.940 €, funded by the European Union

Consortium: 10 partners | 6 universities/RTOs, 4 SMEs (including 2 technology providers and one end user)


The main scientific objectives of CANOPIES are to develop novel human-robot interactions (HRI), human robot collaboration (HRC) and multi-robot coordination (MRC) methodologies for implementing an effective collaborative paradigm between human workers and multi-robot teams for the precision farming of permanents crops to be validated in the context of the table-grape vineyards.

Objectives for Human-Robot Interaction

  • Objective 1.1 – Safe Human Robot Interaction in shared outdoor workspaces both with and without physical interaction.
  • Objective 1.2 – Predicting future positions of human torso and arms in motion.
  • Objective 1.3 – Efficient communication between robots and humans.
  • Objective 1.4 – Enable both parties to be fully aware of each other intentions.

Objectives for Human-Robot and Multi-Robot Collaboration

  • Objective 2.1 – Human-like bimanual robot manipulation leading to intuitive HRC.
  • Objective 2.2 – Successful robot programming using learning by demonstration (LbD).
  • Objective 2.3 – Learning from unexpected events with human-in-the-loop.
  • Objective 2.4 –Multi-robot coordination for collaborative tasks.

Objectives for PA Integrated System

  • Objective 3.1 – Collaborative robots capable of carrying out the required tasks safely.
  • Objective 3.2 – Simulated farming environments for algorithm prototyping.
  • Objective 3.3 – Table-Grape vineyard case-study implementation.



The CANOPIES Workplan is organised in 10 Work-packages, whose relationships are described below: